Got Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I invite other people to join Fight & Network? How can I use Fight & Network? Is Fight & Network free to use?

Fight & Network Overview

1) Introduction: Fight & Network

Connecting Martial Arts and Combat Sports Enthusiasts
Logo and tagline: “Where fighters meet”
Background image: A martial arts or combat sports setting (e.g. a gym, ring, or mat)
2) The problem

The Challenge of Building Relationships in Martial Arts and Combat Sports
Martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts often struggle to connect with others who share their passion due to factors such as location, schedules, and social barriers.
3) Our solution

Introducing Our New Social Network Fight & Network
Our social network offers a dedicated platform for martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts to connect, share, and learn from each other.
4) Key features

What You Can Expect from Our Social Network
List of features: Chat rooms, forums, groups, events, profiles, messaging, video calls, premium memberships, advertising opportunities, etc.
5) Benefits for users

How Our Social Network Can Benefit You

Our social network offers a range of benefits for users, such as:

Meeting like-minded individuals who share your passion for martial arts and combat sports
Accessing a wealth of knowledge, resources, and insights from experts and peers
Building a strong and supportive community that can help you achieve your goals and overcome challenges
6) Target audience

Who Can Benefit from Our Social Network

Our social network is designed for martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts of all levels and disciplines, including:

Fighters, coaches, and trainers
Fans, spectators, and enthusiasts
Gym owners, event organizers, and sponsors
7) Our Marketing strategy

How We Plan to Reach Our Audience

Our marketing strategy will include a mix of tactics, such as:

Social media advertising targeting martial arts and combat sports audiences
Influencer partnerships with popular fighters, coaches, and trainers
Content marketing via blog posts, videos, and other types of content
Referral programs that incentivize users to invite their friends and followers to join our social network
8) Timeline and milestones

Our Roadmap for the Future

List of milestones and goals, such as:

Launching the social network in May 2023
Reaching 10,000 registered users by the end of 2023
Hosting our first user-generated event in Q2 2024
Achieving profitability by the end of 2024
9) Call to action

Join Our Social Network Today
Sign up now and start connecting with other martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts. Together, we can build a strong and supportive community that elevates the world of martial arts and combat sports.
10) Thank you

Thank You for Your Attention
We look forward to connecting with you on our social network. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates and news.

Fight & Network is a social network designed for martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts to connect, share, and learn from each other. To use Fight & Network, you’ll need to create an account by signing up on our website. Creating an account is completely free and only takes a few minutes.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to access all of our features, including chat rooms, forums, groups, events, profiles, messaging, video calls, and more. We offer a range of membership options, including a free basic membership and premium memberships with additional features and benefits.

Yes, there is an age restriction to use Fight & Network. Users must be at least 13 years old to create an account and use the platform. This is in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which requires websites and online services to obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13.

We take the safety and privacy of our users very seriously, and we have implemented measures to ensure that our platform is safe for all users, including minors. We also encourage parents and guardians to monitor their children’s use of the internet and to talk to them about online safety.

Yes, Fight & Network is a global social network that can be used anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. Our platform is accessible from any device with a web browser, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

We’re proud to have a diverse community of martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts from all over the world, and we believe that our platform can help break down barriers and bring people together from different countries and cultures.

However, it’s important to note that some countries may have restrictions on accessing certain websites or online services. If you’re unsure about the laws or regulations in your country, we recommend checking with your local authorities before using our platform.

Yes, you can search for a specific person on Fight & Network using our search function. Once you’re logged in to your account, you can click on the search bar located at the top of the page and enter the name of the person you’re looking for.

Our search function will then display a list of search results that match your query, including people, groups, events, and other content related to your search terms. You can click on the profile or name of the person you’re looking for to view their profile page and connect with them.

Please note that the search results may be limited depending on the user’s privacy settings. If a user has chosen to make their profile private, for example, their profile may not show up in search results.

Getting Started

Creating an account on Fight & Network is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to the Fight & Network website: To create an account, visit the Fight & Network website at

  2. Click on “Sign up”: On the homepage, click on the “Sign up” button located at the top right corner of the page.

  3. Enter your details: On the sign-up page, you will be prompted to enter your details, such as your name, email address, and password. You may also be asked to provide additional information, such as your location and martial arts interests.

  4. Agree to terms and conditions: Before you can create an account, you’ll need to agree to the terms and conditions of the Fight & Network platform.

  5. Verify your email address: After you’ve entered your details, you’ll need to verify your email address by clicking on a verification link sent to your email. This is an important step to ensure the security of your account.

  6. Complete your profile: Once you’ve verified your email address, you’ll be able to log in to your account and complete your profile. Add a profile picture, fill out your interests and skills, and connect with other users to start building your network.

That’s it! You’re now ready to start using Fight & Network to connect with other martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts from around the world.

To edit your profile on Fight & Network, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account: First, log in to your Fight & Network account using your email address and password.

  2. Go to your profile page: Once you’re logged in, click on your profile picture or name located at the top right corner of the page. This will take you to your profile page.

  3. Click on “Edit profile”: On your profile page, click on the “Edit profile” button located below your profile picture.

  4. Edit your information: You can now edit your information, including your name, profile picture, bio, location, martial arts interests, and other details. Make any changes you want and then click “Save changes” to update your profile.

  5. Preview your profile: Once you’ve made your changes, you can preview your profile to see how it will look to other users. Click on the “Preview profile” button to view your updated profile.

That’s it! Your profile has now been updated with your new information. You can always go back and edit your profile again in the future if you need to make any changes.

You can invite other people to join Fight & Network by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your account: First, log in to your Fight & Network account using your email address and password.

  2. Go to the invite page: Click on the “Invite” button located at the top of the page. This will take you to the invite page.

  3. Enter email addresses: On the invite page, you can enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. You can invite multiple people at once by separating each email address with a comma.

  4. Add a personal message (optional): You can add a personal message to your invite to make it more appealing to the person you’re inviting. This is optional, but it can help to persuade them to join.

  5. Send the invite: Click on the “Send invite” button to send the invitation. The people you invited will receive an email with a link to sign up for Fight & Network.

That’s it! You have successfully invited people to join Fight & Network. You can invite as many people as you want to help grow our community of martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts.